4) Responsibilities of the child to the parents.

      In our life, we have some responsibilities of a child to the parents because they had take care of us since born until adult. We must help them when they can't do anything by themselves. Firtsly, we need to make sure that our parents' health in good condition. When they are sick, we need immediately bring them to hospital. We also should bear their treatment cost during in hospital too. After that, we must to take health insurance for them. So that can protect them when we are not with them or busy.

     Secondly, we must to love them. Celebrating their anniversary day and their birthday also give them a prize as an honour. Love to the parents also could be shown through hug and touch. Next, we can point out love to them through performance. Lastly, we need to devoted them. If apart, we must to visit or call them once a week. Maybe it not important to us but it very important for them. We also had look after behaviour and speech when with them. We must to save their reputation too because children is parents' mirror. We can't make outsider think the worst of on our parents.

     The conclusion, this responsibility should be performed in the best possible way. In my opinion, children must avoid themselves from hurt their parents' feeling especially when they was old. If children can carry out responsibility to their parents well, definitely children's life also will increase good and happy.

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